Finally, Some Help

As I mentioned in a former blog post, I am a survivor of many types of trauma. The most difficult trauma that I have endured and have had to find healing from is the sexual abuse. For me, this started at a very young age, and although I displayed many signs that it was going on, nothing was done to stop it.

Children who endure sexual abuse may display some obvious signs or behaviors. Since over 90% of sexual trauma occurs by someone that the child knows, this makes it difficult to discover and stop. My own personal trauma, as I already mentioned, seemed very obvious, yet nothing was done to stop it. As with many children and sexual trauma, my symptoms included physical damage in the genital area, bedwetting, nightmares, and protesting going back to the perpetrators house.

There are many other symptoms of childhood sexual abuse, and I will expand on this topic in my other blogs. A positive aspect of this topic is that today it is out in the open and easily talked about. Fifty years ago, children were not getting the help they needed, and even though we have a ways to go, our society is doing much better.