What are you grateful for? You do not have to be a spiritual person to express gratitude. Children are taught from toddlerhood to say “Thank you” when something is given to them, whether that be a material possession or even a kind word. But what does a traumatized child {or adult for that matter} have to be grateful for?

Expressing gratitude combats the symptoms of PTSD. I don’t know how many times I have suggested to friends and acquaintances to stop everything and make a gratitude list. In fact, expressing gratitude releases dopamine in the brain, causing you to feel happy. 

There are so many forms of treatment for childhood trauma out there today. I wish every therapist would teach their clients, both young and old, to express gratitude on a daily basis. I, myself, keep a journal each day in which I try to express gratitude. I must admit, somedays it is difficult, especially when I feel rejected, sad, or angry. But gratitude makes me even more resilient, and always brings a smile to my face!