There has been a lot of talk about bullying in the past few years since “cyber-bullying” has been termed and is now added as a form of bullying. In reality, traditional bullying is still much more prevalent than its cyber counterpart. Globally, at least one third of children and adolescents are bullied in the preceding month. 

Bullying is nothing new. It has been around forever. You can probably think back to your childhood and recall one or two of the class “bullies” by name. Whether or not they bullied you, may or may not have made a lasting effect on you.

Children that bully others often come from a home in which they are exposed to aggression or violence. This does not excuse their behavior, just helps us understand it better. Both children that bully and victims of bullying suffer from low self-esteem, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. The number one reason children are bullied is because of their appearance. Imagine a child who already feels “different” from others suddenly being mocked or picked on because of this.

As adults, we can not rely on only our teachers and leaders to monitor and stop bullying. This must begin at home. We must advocate for our children, bully or bullied, and hopefully this epidemic can be helped and more children can feel safe.