I must admit something. I have been trying to write this blog piece for almost a week, but it is very difficult for me. Experts say that emotional or verbal abuse is the most difficult type of trauma to heal from. While physical bruises, scars, and pain can fade visually, the scars of emotional abuse are much harder to dissipate. When words are used to scare, humiliate, and control a child, these words can stay in the child’s mind for a lifetime.

Speaking from my own childhood, the lies and words of humiliation spoken over me were definitely the hardest part of my healing journey. The pain of these words took years to reverse and replace with positive ones. Be very careful what you speak over your children, or even your grandchildren. 

Seeing and hearing are the two most important senses. Therefore, imagine the impact that harsh words, humiliation, or shame can do to a vulnerable child. It has taken me years of therapy and boundary-setting to be where I am today. Sometimes, I still hear those lies in my head, but now I can combat them with truths.

Positive affirmation is one of the most healing things that can be done for a child or adult who is healing from emotional trauma. If you think of your greatest memory, it probably involves something positive or encouraging that was spoken to you. If you or your child are recovering from emotional trauma, surround yourselves with encouraging and positive people. It will make a huge difference!