Pets are beneficial to any child, especially to a traumatized one. The love of an animal is unconditional, the most positive and healing love one can experience. The wonderful benefits of having a pet are nearly endless, a few being: increased emotional stability, compassion, better sleep, and trust. When a traumatized child is given the responsibility of a pet, it serves as a healing diversion from the abuse or neglect they have been through.

I can attest to the healing power of pets both as a child and an adult. When I was a child, I took in stray cats and nursed them back to health. I even played midwife to a female cat while she was giving birth to her kittens. I remember feeding the kittens with medicine droppers because the mother was unable to nurse them. These are some of the most healing and happy memories from my childhood.

As an adult, I have a cat and a dog. Having a dog has been so healthy for me because I get out and walk every day. I think traumatized and sensitive children are so helped by having an animal. If you have a child but are unable to have a pet, take your child fishing, or out to catch turtles or frogs. You will be amazed at how much joy this will bring!