One of the most positive things a child can experience is words of encouragement and affirmation. Yet, one of the most damaging is emotional
abuse. The most common form of emotional abuse is verbal abuse. Kids believe what others tell them, especially persons in authority. If a child
is repeatedly told over and over that he is no good or is just criticized, this remains in the child’s mind until a safe person can tell him otherwise.
As a survivor of emotional abuse, I coped with this form of trauma by listening to those who were a positive influence on my young life. For me,
this was my teachers in school. Although it was confusing to hear two different opinions about how I was valued, I clung to the encouragement
and affirmation of those placed in my life to bring hope to my situation.
Children who experience emotional trauma may have increased anxiety and difficulty with language development and forming friendships.
They may have a hard time accepting praise and love from others, as this is something that is new to them. As a community, let’s rally around
these kids and give them what they need and deserve.